Hi. I’m Gerry Mandel and I write stuff.

My Work
It can begin with a thought, a situation, a conversation with a friend or a stranger, a location. Maybe a sliver of a song or someone’s life story. Sometimes it’s as simple as “What if….?”Where it will end I have no idea, only that I’ll know when I’ve arrived. And thus a book is born.
I have written a novel, a novelette, and life-stories for two people. I am currently working on my second novel. -
These are my takes on an assortment of subjects, usually short, sometimes sweet, always personal. Whatever comes to mind, catches my attention, irks me, pleases me, requires a commentary, and triggers my urge to write. That’s a large universe from which to choose.
I’ve been writing stuff here since 2010.
Musings & Meanderings.
For several years I wrote the “Random Musings” column for a magazine. Here are some of the best - favorites of mine and of readers. Many of them have been published in my book, “Selected Writings.” Others appear here for the first time.
Yes. Charlie. The Little Tramp. Possibly the most original and influential filmmaker who ever lived. I’ve been a huge fan of Chaplin for several decades, beginning in a bar in San Francisco in 1960. Here you’ll explore his world with me and maybe even learn a thing or two about this amazing artist who went from childhood poverty to world-wide fame and impact.
When You Need a Writer
You could call this a “reluctant sales pitch.”
Here’s what I mean. I have some writing projects of my own so I’m not actively looking for others. However, should the appropriate one come along, one I might find compelling or unavoidably challenging, I would happily consider it.
That covers a lot of possibilities and you just might have the one that hooks me. You never know.