Simply put, I write because I have to.
Yes, I write for myself, to see where my imagination, curiosity and subject will take me. But I also write with the hope that somebody will read it.
The process of starting with a blank sheet (or screen) and filling it with words gives me great pleasure. Usually. Sometimes the words come sluggishly, or not at all. Eventually the connections are made, the imagination kicks in, the last sentence is within reach. But completing the writing of the story is only part of the payoff. The other part is when someone reads it and tells me they read it. And even better when they add “I liked that” or “It touched me” or a simple “Wow.”
Then I know it was worth the time and effort.
I have been writing since junior high school when I wrote my first short story, a science-fiction piece about a cockroach.
I have continued writing since then, including four years in television and thirty years as a writer with national ad agencies.
I’ve written in just about all forms: short stories, essays, columns, plays, a novel, life stories, even a few songs. So, welcome to my world of words.
I’m sure you’ll find something you enjoy, make you think, even gain a fresh perspective on our world.